Two is better than one. I know there’s a song or two out there with those lyrics…maybe even a Bible verse.

It’s just a fact when you work together more gets done. That’s why one of my goals for this year was to multiply my effect by asking for help. Who wins? The orphans, that’s who.

With that in the back of my mind all year, my board has tripled and people have stepped out and are helping organize fund raisers for various projects. We’re helping orphans in Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Cameroon.

I’ve also partnered more effectively with organizations around the world who are doing mighty things for those in need, particularly the orphans. Because of my dear friends from Africa, Seth and Floriane, I became a Rotarian and have been quaduply blessed learning about the multiplying effect of this caring group’s resources. Who wins? The orphan wins. We are going to put those resources to use to better their lives.

Here’s what we have in the works for fund raising, and by the way, I am not doing these things alone! We have organizers and supporters putting on a Spring Fever 5K and Raffle scheduled for Feb. 26, 2011. We’re working together with two different groups, Minnesota Visual Arts and Big Brothers Big Sisters to do a Children’s Art Sale and we’ve got a committee for a Golf Tournament in June. All of these things are getting done because people have a heart to help the orphans. There are so many angels in the world.

Please pray for Relindis with Angel of Mercy USA. She tragically lost her sister in law in Cameroon this past week.

Also, please spread the word about Floriane’s fund raiser this weekend. There may be room, so let me know if you want to join us.

Thanks to all of you! We’re making a difference in the lives of orphans we may never meet…because of what you do.